Family Involvement

Thank you for your interest in volunteering your time to Father Allouez Catholic School. Your time benefits a student in many ways. We encourage not only immediate family but extended family members and student mentors as well to help support the students of Father Allouez. Our school follows all safe environment guidelines administered by the Diocese of Green Bay. Any adult who volunteers at Father Allouez are required to have a current background check on file, complete a VIRTUS training course and sign the volunteer agreement form each year.
So, let’s get started! We are excited to have you join our school community.
1st step: BACKGROUND CHECK and VIRTUS Training:
All volunteers are required to provide personal references, complete VIRTUS training, and authorize a criminal background check and receive a satisfactory report.
Here is the Diocese about Virtus page: https://www.gbdioc.org/protecting-our-children/virtus-r-training?highlight=WyJ2aXJ0dXMiXQ==
To complete the Virtus training and authorization for background check: https://www.gbdioc.org/docman/safe-environment/1352-virtus-online-registration-instructions/file
Please click on the screen ‘You must click here to complete your background check with ‘Integrated Screening Partners’ to be led to their secure website to submit your background check.
Please complete the needed sections to submit the background check.
If you have any difficulties once you have entered Integrated Screening Partners (ISP), please call the ISP help desk at 800-474-4420 or by email.
All volunteers must sign and return the Diocesan Code of Pastoral Conduct for Volunteers Form to the school office each year.
Tracking hours of volunteer hours:
In the Enrollment Contract, it is noted that families will need to complete a set number of hours by the end of the school year. To view the Enrollment Contracts that were agreed to during registration, click here.
For the 2024-2025 school year SAC is continuing the implementation of a relatively new volunteer tracking system, Track It Forward. This system allows families to be able to track their own hours throughout the school year and allow the school to notify them when volunteers are needed. Each family will be issued one login based on the email of the primary contact in the TADS account. If a different email needs to be used, please contact us.
The following is an ongoing volunteer list of opportunities currently in our schools:
- FACS Lunchroom coverage (St Matthew campus)
- Signup for date(s) here
- FACS lunch recess coverage (Resurrection campus)
- Reading with students one on one
- Helping with homework or class work
- Chaperoning field trips/holiday things in the classroom
- Laminating/cutting materials.
- Organizing reading areas
- Assisting in the school libraries
- Donating supplies/
- Labeling books
- Stapling items
- Assisting with copying items for staff
- Assisting with class parties
- Assisting with filing, 3-hole-punch and assemble writing portfolios.
- “Deconstruct” tile boards
- “Deconstruct” trick word rings
- Helping with school fundraisers
For volunteer opportunities please reach out to your student’s homeroom teacher to request of list of needed volunteer opportunities and/or the school office the needs listed above.