Faith Life
Faith Integration

Students at Father Allouez Catholic School develop an understanding of the Catholic religion through religion class and participation in weekly school Mass, sacraments, and service to others.
We also focus on building strong character traits in our students. We teach and reinforce in all of our students personal responsibility, intellectual and behavioral accomplishment, and service to others. When our students travel or perform service projects in the community we consistently receive positive feedback about our students from people outside our school. That positive feedback is a result of our school and our families working together as a team to raise productive and well-rounded children. We invite you to join us.
We are committed to develop within each student:
- A love for God which will be strong and enduring
- A life of faith which is receptive, active, responsive and rooted in Catholic values
- A sense of discipline, respect, cooperation and trust between oneself, one’s teachers, one’s friends and one’s family
- A love for learning and a desire to develop one’s abilities and talents toward the goal of life-long learning
- An ability to think critically and solve problems
- A level of excellence in 21st century skills in preparation for living and working in a global society.
- Developing students that are part of a faith community, not just our global community
Pray Often
Each academic year at Father Allouez Catholic School begins and ends with an informal prayer service at both campuses. The beginning of the school year prayer service also includes a blessing of the backpacks!
Each school day begins and ends with prayer during morning and end of day announcements lead by our students.
The Chaplet of Divine Mercy
The Chaplet of Divine Mercy, traditionally said at 3 p.m. daily, is sung in prayer together by each campus in the church often throughout the school year at the end of the day. Watch for announcements in the newsletter as to when it will be prayed—parents are always welcome to join.
Stations of the Cross
During Lent, both campuses go through the Stations of the Cross at an age-appropriate level.
Altar Serving
Beginning in Fourth Grade, Students are encouraged to be Alter Servers at School Masses and within their parish.
CP Carnival
During Catholic School’s Week in January each year, the middle school students plan and create games to be played in the Resurrection Campus gym. Students from both campuses enjoy the carnival games for a small fee, and all of the proceeds go to the CP Telethon.
Feed My Starving Children
Students in 7th and 8th grade participate in an annual Feed My Starving Children MobilePack event during school time. During Lent, student almsgiving used to help pay for the MobilePack event.
Camp Tekakwitha Retreats
Students in grades 6 to 8 attend annual two-day, overnight retreats at Camp Tekakwitha. The annual schedule is:
6th Grade: September
7th Grade: January
8th Grade: May
Each retreat begins with a prayer service and potluck meal on the evening of the arrival. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend. Parents are encouraged to write a reflection letter to their students each year to be read privately during their retreat experience.